Thursday, November 13, 2008


Semua orang ada impian...and dare to dream adalah sesuatu yang harus ada dalam diri semua orang. Semua kejayaan dan kecermerlangan bermula dari impian, mimpi dan usaha...tanpa ini semua, hidup ini tiada milestone...tiada passion...and desire to live tu akan hilang kalau kita tiada impian, cita-cita...
Ada orang kata, mimpi nie hanya mainan tidur dan will lead you to be Mat Jenin...who's the hell is Mat Jenin, I pun tak sure...sian sape nama Jenin kan...tak pasal2 dapat bad reputation. Sama macam lembu la...orang kata BO**H macam lembu...haiiii....ada banyak juga binatang lain yang tak la pandai sangat kan...tapi nape lembu????ahahahaha....:P
When I decided to be a journalist, it's all begin with a dream. That was when I still very small. I kinda excited to watch news on TV, or even wonder where all the news came from when I read the papers and magazines. My favourite newspaper that time was The Star and Galaxie...magazines, well...I sort of read all kind of magazines...I told myself that time that one day I will be a journalist...and I want to create a whole new phenomena to the publishing world. But, when the real thing came, It's not easy...but I do made a phonenomenon with my previous mag, Mingguan Wanita...itu semua namanya rezeki and I'm proud to be a part of the team...
Hmmm...did u ever dream to married with a celebrity? Ahahaha....that thought never came to mind until I met my hubby...that time was in the year 2002/2003...and we started to go out 2 years after that...It's all begin when Remaja organised a trip for VE/Pop Shuvit with fans...the rest of the story...:)...will remained my secret...ahahahaha...
So's okay if you love to dream...dream on but work for it...we never know...Insya Allah akan jadi realiti kan...
Stop blaming it all to Mat Jenin okay...sian dia!!! ahahahaha

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