Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yuna Zarai-she's cool

Salam Ramadan all...Baru puasa satu hari, namun terasa kenikmatan ramadan ini. Sangat peaceful. Hati terasa lapang. Pendek kata, this holy month is just awesome. Period.
Kesempatan hari ini, I took the opportunity to listen to some CDs that's have been abandoned for quite a while. I'm just too busy, but I have to admit thatI have to take my own sweet time in enjoying new CDs, or new artistes...I think, being a reviewer for 4 years, memberikan impak kepada diri. Hargai setiap seni, iaitu setiap artis itu mempunyai kekuatan dan kelemahannya sendiri.
Currently, I'm listening to Yunalis Zarai. Heee...=) maybe, dah outdated kot sebab babe nie memang sedang popular kan. I got to know about her music bila dgr single dia- Dan Sebenarnya, dan ada teman memberikan link utk dengar EP-Blue Sands. At first, memang I begitu impressed tapi tak hayati sangat. Probably, during that time, I sedang sarat pregnant and no longer involved dalam entertainment. My focus that time ialah my new mag kan...=)

Anyway, today I already listened to her English songs and malays, as well. I think, I have to stick with Dan Sebenarnya...that's the most awesome malay song from Yunalis. I think, the impromptu ilham tu mmg superb...ia lebih relax and tak terlalu recorded...=) Congrats babe. For english songs, I think I have to agree with Deeper Conversation, These Streets and Blue Sands. Her vocal was superb in those songs, and I'm really proud of her. Being a Malaysian with unique music and style, she never feel awkward performing with her hijab and being one of the fav artiste this year...congrats again Babe...go hijab gurl! Heee...=)

Cool sangat with her hijab, playing guitar and set her own image sampai jadi ikutan, memang cool. I mean, hijab shouldnt be something that restricted muslim women to follow their long as it's not against the law of Islam...

Kadang-kala, terasa bila kewujudan Yunalis di dalam urban music nie, menjadikan penampilan bertudung sebagai image, telah memadamkan pendapat, ideas and kononnya pandangan orang-orang bandar mengenai imej bertudung yang kekampungan. I only agreed with the image and guitar, not hijab woth cigarette in hand yah!!! huh...Hah, tgk, pakai tudung pun boleh cakap english, boleh petik gitar dan boleh mempelbagaikan imej tanpa memperjudikan kesopanan...kan,kan,kan...

I think, sekarang Malaysian patut lebih menghargai muzik tempatan berbanding membanggakan muzik luar, cthnya Indonesia. Muzik memang tiada sempadan, boleh dengar dari apa sudut dunia. Namun, berbangga dengan produk tempatan lebih baik kot. =) Beri komen membina kepada artis tempatan kita supaya mereka boleh memperbaiki setiap kelemahan, dan mampu menyerlah di mata dunia. Go Malaysian artistes!!!

I think, by now, Yunalis already celebrated the holy month of Ramadan at UK...Take care babe and good luck.

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