Salam all...
Yesterday adalah B'day my arwah Bapak...kalau he's still here, dia dah 71 tahun. I know, dia akan masih steady and akan bring keriangan pada semua org esp the family kan...
My bapak pergi pada 1 Jun 2003, dalam usia 65 tahun. Sudah 6 tahun dia pergi, tapi setiap kali difikirkan, akan terasa macam semalam. D sadness and emptiness tu tetap sama, without ni macam tak complete. But, itu semua Janji Allah SWT...bahawa, kematian itu wujud, hari pembalasan itu, we have to be ready, one fine day, kita semua akan bertemu dengan Maha Pencipta...and I will make sure that I'm always prepared for that...Insya Allah.
After bapak past away, then I realised one thing that I'm starting to be more appreciative over my mother...and of course the elderly. Juga, sangat menghargai ikatan family...because, that's what my arwah bapak selalu tekankan pada kami semua...always, jaga keharmonian keluarga no matter what happened...
I love you Bapak...I'm sad that u're not here to share all the happiness and kebahagiaan that I have today...I'm sad that Hannah & Amani wouldnt be able to know you, to loved you as what I'll be telling them about how great you are as a father and also a grandpa to both of them...I'm sad that my husband wouldnt get to be closed to you like friends...share things like once u did with my brother in laws...
But...I'm glad that you left us with a lot of fond memories to be shared with...among us...I love you so much...and I miss you very much!
Al Fatihah