Last week and the previous weeks are the weeks of stress for me. Many things that happened, too much pressure is not acceptable and many things that need to be resolved ... tired! Sometimes, I wondered, why all this happened at the same time ... can't it be this way, one week one problem? At least, the solution is easy to state...kan, kan,kan...huh!
Orang akan cakap...manalah hidup yang tiada masalah, hidup yang smooth, lancar bak lagu arwah Michael Jacko, Smooth Criminal..=) manalah best kan...hidup kena ups and downs, baru challenging...betul tak?
Last Saturday I am supposed to meet with old friends from Anderson. Not intentionally I forget about the reunion, however, I have something that need to be attended first and for most...I know, they will beginning to say I'm arrogant or oblivious. Actually, I'm just like 14 years ago ... still a sensitive and sensible, also crazy teens...but, obviously, I'm not a teen anymore kan...but,I'm still the same person that they know. I still love the same food, I still love the same brand, and I still like the same color ... PINK! I hope it will be another reunion and I will try to make it...sorry friends!!! =)
Okay...ini pulak tentang status di FB...lately, I perasan la kan...banyak my friends punya status sangat berbaurkan emo...=) I pun kdg2 emo kan...tapi, pernah tak u ols perasan that FB or Twitter dijadikan medan utk mengaibkan orang? Or kadang2 dijadikan medan utk lepas geram or balas dendam...perli2 pun ada kan...hmmm...haruskah??? I akui, I pun penah buat benda bodoh nie...I penah hentam my bestie (tapi bukan directly, kias2...n dia faham and kecik ati) and I unfriend dia tau...meaning, I buang dia dr my friends list...hah, hamek kau!!! Gitu kan...ntah apa2 aku nie kan...hmmm..sorry ya my bestie...I sayang you taw...ahahahaha...emo kan...after that, I taknak buat benda bodoh tu lagi...but, I perasan, currently ada hal kat ofc ni hentam sini, sana...and tuduh orang ini, lagi, FB la jadi medannya...rentikanlah erk!!! Jangan jd budak2 okay...=)
:: my 5 of 2018 ::
6 years ago
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