Friday, December 30, 2011

Super fun vacation =)

As salam all...just a short note before i doze off...just got bck frm a short vacation with hubby, d kids n mom in law. It was fun n we're super tired!=) Will update on d hotel, food n places that we visited.

Good night! Zzzzzzz

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Inspirasi Si Pengantin

All collections are from Irna La love all the designs and ideas. It's very unique, yet stylish...=) An inspiration for bakal pengantin okay...=)

Wordless Wednesday #8

Thursday, December 15, 2011

As-Sajjad, mampukah kita?

As salam all...

Asyik rasanya membaca kisah-kisah ahlul baiyt, terasa kita jauh ketinggalan untuk beriringan dengan para wali dan solihin ini. Amalan, amal ibadah, kebajikan mereka...Masya Allah, sangat sukar untuk kita mengikut amalan-amalan mereka. Semasa mengikuti majlis selawat burdah, juga kelas fiqh, sirah di bawah Az-Zahra baru-baru ini, excited mendengar kisah Imam Ali Zainal Abidin, cicit Rasullullah SAW, keturunan Saidina Hussain, cucu Rasullulah SAW. Beliau digelar As-Sajjad, iaitu hamba yang setia bersujud kepada Allah SWT...

Apabila membicarakan mengenai sujud, kita renung diri kita...berapa kalikah kita sujud dalam sehari? Solat 5 waktu, solat sunat...solat malam...kadang-kala, kita hanya mampu buat yang wajib, dan kadang-kala yang wajib juga culas...astaghfirullahalazim. Namun, Imam Ali Zainal Abidin digelar As-Sajjad kerana beliau sujud kepada Allah SWT tidak kurang 1000 kali sehari...Masya Allah.

Solat malam sangat-sangat disarankan untuk kita semua lakukan. Menghidupkan malam adalah umpama memberikan seluruh rumah itu cahaya dan keberkatan sepanjang masa. Teringat satu cerita mengenai seorang ibu tunggal yang mempunyai tiga orang anak lelaki. Wanita muslimah ini hidup pada zaman Rasulullah SAW (saya terlupa namanya). Beliau mendidik seluruh keluarganya untuk menghidupkan malam. Maka, beliau akan bahagikan malam itu kepada empat dan mereka akan bergilir-gilir solat mengikut pembahagiaan sehingga pagi. Sampai ibu mereka meninggal dunia, mereka tetap meneruskan amalan itu dan bahagikan malam itu kepada tiga pula. Dan wanita itu serta anak-anak lelakinya sudah dijanjikan dengan ganjaran syurga, subhanallah...

Mampukah kita untuk melaksanakan segala perkara wajib, sunat dan sunnah sedangkan kita semua mahukan ganjaran syurga, mahu berada dalam kalangan ahlul baiyt, para wali dan solihin, juga para anbiya...mahu beriringan ke syurga bersama Rasulullah SAW...itulah yang perlu kita kuatkan, istiqomah itu penting dan husnul khotimah adalah matlamat kita semua. Insya Allah...=)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wanita harus lebih banyak bersedekah...=)

As salam all...

Just a little sharing from few books that I read recently, also, kata-kata nasihat dari Ummi Ustazah Alina Al Munawar few months ago. Few books yang saya baca sering menganjurkan untuk wanita lebih banyak bersedekah. Kerana, dengan bersedekah ia akan sentiasa mengingatkan kita tentang sharing dan juga belajar bersyukur.

Siapa kata kena tunggu kaya baru boleh bersedekah? Tidak perlu. Sedekah bukanlah melalui wang ribuan atau jutaan ringgit, berapa banyak yang kita mampu memadai, janji ikhlas. Juga, sedekah tenaga, pakaian, makanan dan macam-macam lagi yang membuatkan sesiapa yang menerima itu terasa ringan bebanannya. Namun, mahu bersedekah, kenalah dengan niat ikhlas dan hati yang bersih. Jangan pula niatnya mahu menunjuk-nunjuk.

Menurut Ummi, seorang ibu sangat disarankan untuk bersedekah atas nama anak-anaknya. Kita semua mahukan anak yang soleh & solehah, baik, bijak, hafi & hafizah...anak-anak yang boleh membawa kita ke syurga, Insya Allah. Sedekahlah atas nama anak-anak, ia umpama satu doa yang berterusan...

Paling bagus, menurut ummi, sedekah beras. Kerana setiap butir beras mempunyai Nur Muhammad SAW...subhanallah. Tidak perlu sekampit atau seguni setiap hari atau minggu atau bulan. Petua ummi, setiap kali mahu masak nasi, sebelum kita basuh beras itu, ambil segenggam beras dan letakkan dalam bekas yang lain. Mulakan dari hari Sabtu hingga Jumaat, hari Jumaat kita sedekah beras yang kita asingkan segenggam sehari itu kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Segenggam sehari x7 = 7 genggam beras setiap minggu kita sedekah atas nama anak-anak kita. Sedekah dengan niat agar anak-anak menjadi anak yg baik, soleh/solehah, warak, fasih baca al-quran etc...Insya allah, dengan izin Allah SWT, doa akan makbul...asalkan niatnya ikhlas.

Wallahualam...semua yang kita lakukan harus beserta dengan niat yang betul, Insya Allah, Allah SWT akan makbulkan...amin3x...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fashion disaster

One famous pregger

She's pregnant, she's stylo, she's famous and she's Beyonce...her due is on February, same like mine...weee....!!!! It's been a while since I put my nose on celebrity's news, but looking at this fabulous singer-actress-model with a baby bump, I'm sure very excited. She still look fabulous even in that stupid bee's outfit! =)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


As salam all...

Couldn't find time to update the blog as often as I always do, there's a lot to share but the words seem to be kept away. Dunno why, lately I just can't find a way to express more. I rather keep to myself, silently heal it alone...Yes, hubby, family members and all besties are among that I share most of my feelings..but there's always a little bit of it left for me and my own self to share...=)

I'm okay I guess...I'm in the stage of shifting to a new paradigm, it's something that I'm longing to do, a very long time ago...but, I don't have the urge to fulfill it. Tiada siapa boleh ubah hidupnya kecuali dirinya sendiri, yes I do believe in that phrase. Kekuatan diri hanya kita yang boleh mengeluarkannya rite? Yes...true, true.

Hijrah is something that I'm eyeing to do...I want something that makes me happy instead of satisfying other people. Hijrah dalam ertikata yang life, in after life (itu yg sgt penting)...I want to change, 360 degrees change...I want to be somebody better, somebody worthy to my husband, family and friends...I want to be a muslimah sejati yang Cintakan Allah & RasulNya...amin, amin, amin...Ya Allah, amin...Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Wordless Wednesday #5

Somewhere over the rainbow, the skies are blue...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #4

Thank you for making Malaysian Pride rise high in Indonesia! =)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pacifier oh...Pacifier

Think twice before you decided to teach your kids in sucking pacifier or dummy or whatever you called'll regret someday if your kid can't get over it's habit on sucking 'the thing'. I have the problem with Amani. She's very attach with pacifier since baby, but I think the habit worsen when she was a year old...which she can't sleep without her pacifier...OMG...

Macam-macam petua orang bagi, macam, celupkan puting tu dengan benda-benda pahit and all...I never try yesterday, it's like macam satu nekad utk me & my hubby supaya 'menghilangkan' habit Amani untuk hisap puting. Seriously, the worst night sangat malam tadi..letihnya bangun 2,3 kali pujuk dia yang tetiba nangis nak a mother, memang kena kuat. Kalau fikirkan tentang nafsu tidur, memang dah lama sumbatkan puting kat dia...=)

If tak berjaya, then we go to plan B that is celupkan dengan benda-benda pahit...hah, mana tahu menjadi kan...if any of you yang ada petua macamana nak hilangkan habit anak-anak menghisap puting, sila berikan ya...I need it momsies!!! Pweeshhhh......

Wordless Wednesday #2

Sleepy me...sleepy Wed...Not a productive day, at all...*sigh*

'Good nite everybody'

Friday, November 4, 2011

Breast Pump Story...

Yes, I think most of you know that I'm searching for the best offer & reviewed manual breast pump for the past few days. I want to share some of the reviews, offers and packages that maybe will attract your interest also...=)

Online shops are offering :

Medela Harmony Value Pack (see pics) : RM298.00. You will get a cooler bag, reusable ice bag, 6 storage bottles & Medela Harmony manual Breast Pump.

Medela Harmony Starter Pack : RM320.00. You will get a cooler bag, reusable ice bag, 8 storage bottles & Medela Harmony manual Breast Pump.

Cheapest price ever, and a brand new set!

Medela Freestyle Breast Pump : RM1499, UP : RM2299.

Avent Manual Breast Pump : RM200, UP : RM289

Avent Isis Out & About : RM343.20, UP : RM429

Online Reviews

Easy Milk Extraction with the 2011 Philips AVENT BPA Free Manual Breast Pump
Breast pump shopping need not be a taxing activity for the would-be mother. With a few recommendations here and there, it is easier to narrow your choices to a few models. We’ve made choosing easier for you as we feature one highly recommended model – the Philips Avent BPA-Free Manual Breast Pump. Read on at :

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump
Pros: Inexpensive, easy to assemble, quiet operation
Overall: Bought this pump after i used a tommee tippee electric pump once (which hurt!)
Have been using to 4 months now
Only express when have to go out, so for 1-2 times a week this is great.
Comfortable, quiet and nice bottles - bubs took to them easily
Easy to assemble, easy to clean (I use the medela quick steam bags - great!)
Medela Harmony is recommended by lizgola
Read on at :

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #1

Happy, happy, happy Day...from this Wednesday till the next one...=)

Fishy Hannah...=)

Graduation Concerto was a success...Alhamdulillah. Hannah will return to 4 years class next year as she will turning 4, 2012...hopefully, Hannah will do better next year and I pray for her success to get at least number 1 or 2 in the class. This year, she managed to placed herself at number 5 in the class of eight, and she's the youngest. Alhamdulillah...

Next to her is her BFF, Nayli Nurin...Nayli is a year older, but they were classmate at Pre year, Nayli will enter 5 years class and Hannah will concentrate with her 4 years clan...Nayli is a smart girl, she got number 2 and the best Bahasa Melayu reader in 4 years class, sec proud of her...and I hope Hannah will make Nayli as her inspiration to success...=)

Tgk Hannah jd fish masa concert memang kelakar..but, dia sgt confident atas pentas...happy je...=)

New passion...

There's nothing much to say...just few months nie, I'm in the middle of adjusting my life..picking up things, wanted to start a new life...probably, finding something that I love to do but not consuming much time at work or outside the house...hoping for the best for each things in life...amin, amin, amin...

There's a lot of changes that have to be done...maybe, I have to let go few things that I love to do..dulu, and now, those are not really relevant in my life...well, it's life. If you don't start now, you will never start anything...=)

Just pray for my success...=)

See you guys in my next posting.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

He's supposed to be 73 today...

Al-fatihah to Allahyarham Haji Ismail bin Mohd Baki, my father yg sepatutnya berusia 73thn today. Allah SWT lebih menyayanginya dan dia bertemu dengan Penciptanya pada 1 Jun 2004. Dah 7 years bapak pergi but d warmth of his loving touch, careness n all his jokes still remain fresh inside of me. Probably, being d youngest ang plg close dgn dia menjadikan pemergian arwah meninggalkan kesan yg sgt mendalam.

Setiap yg hidup pasti akan mati kerana itu janji kita denganNya. Sewaktu dalam kandungan ibu, kita mengikat janji dengan Allah SWT dan sudah diterangkan mengenai kitab lahul mahfudz kita...apabila dipersetujui, barulah ditiupkan roh dan kemdiannya setelah cukup 9bln 10hari, kita dilahirkan. All of us lived dlm dunia dgn amanah kpd Allah SWT. Namun, adakah kita memegang amanah itu sebaiknya? Wallahualam...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Can you stand the rain, sayang...

On a perfect day, I know that I can count on you

When that's not possible, tell me can you weather the storm

Because I need somebody who will stand by me

Through the good times and bad times

He will always, always be right there

Sunny days, everybody loves them

Tell me, can you stand the rain?

Storms will come, this we know for sure

Can you stand the rain?

Love unconditional, I'm not asking this of you

We've got to make it last

I'll do whatever needs to be done

Because I need somebody who will stand by me

Through the good times and bad times

He will always, always be right there

Can you stand the rain?

No pressure from me

Because I want you, and I need you, and I love you

Will you be there for me?

Can you stand the rain?

Semoga Allah SWT merahmati ikatan perkahwinan ini dengan segala nikmat, rezeki dan himpunan hidayah...Amin, amin, amin...
Images by Freepik